Dr. Alexandra M. Harrison M.D. and her multi disciplinary team of medical and educational professionals have developed a comprehensive Infant Mental Health Curriculum presented over five days using video, lecture, and clinical experiences tailored to their audience. The flexibility of the course structure allows a wide spectrum of adult learners to gain knowledge and expertise in the foundations of IMH and how they can use these new skills in their everyday practice.

Our Mission

It is SCC’s contention that the primary tasks of a child caregiver are to protect, nurture, and enjoy the child, and the mission of SCC is to offer training and educational support to child caregivers. Towards this end, SCC ptovides useful and current scientific knowledge about child development and mental health in order to aid them in their work with children and families.

For years it has been my belief that the quality of the infant-parent and child-parent relationship is the best predictor of outcome for any child...This unique relationship between every parent and every child is what makes infant and early childhood mental health work both challenging and exciting.
— T. Berry Brazelton, M.D., Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: Core Concepts and Clinical Practice

What We've Achieved

  • An ongoing relationship with the Christian Hospital and Nursing School of Kasganj in North India to provide IMH instruction to nursing students and staff working in maternity wards.
  • Provision of long-term mental health education to caregivers at the Deenabandhu Children's Home and School in Karnataka, South India.
  • Deepened the primary relationship between mothers and their babies by providing  an introductory IMH Workshop in South India.
  • Working within a unique educational model, SCC has provided ongoing education and support to caregivers in El Salvador that includes semi-annual visits, monthly Skype conferences and written support plans for adults and children in the Children's Homes of San Salvador.
  • The development and initialization of a controlled, multi-site study on the impact of the IMH Course on nurses behavior when working with maternity patients in North India.


  • Designed and implemented Newborn Behavioral Observation workshops for maternity staff in Mombasa, Kenya and Kasganj, India.
  • Published an article last year in the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) Journal around provision of education and training for child caregivers worldwide through visits and Skype conversations within a long-term relationship.
  • Presentation of our work to an international audience in 2016 at the WAIMH Conference in Prague.
  • Presentation of our work each year at the U.C. Davis Extension Infant/Parent Mental Health Fellowship Program 2012-Present in Napa California
  • Presentation of our work each year at the U. Mass, Boston Infant/Parent Mental Health Fellowship Program 2012-Present